Drama department seeking assistance for move to new school

As the high school staff prepare to move, the drama department finds itself  in a pickle.

The department has a vast amount of props, furniture, building supplies, makeup and costumes that they need to pack and move.

Not only will they need all of this packed and ready for the move to the new high school on June 3, but all they have is a moving truck and no moving team.

As one of the departments with a large amount of small equipment, it is no wonder that Molly Magill, an English teacher and one of the heads of the drama department, reached out to the students within the department.

Currently, drama is working on organizing their materials and is hoping to have student assistance with “packing after school Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, this week and next.”

Alongside the welcomed help to pack, Magill is hoping for students to assist with the move on Monday, June 3.

Magill posted on the group Schoology page a sign-up for the move, and on June 3 the group will “need all hands on deck” as they move to the new high school.

With the anxiousness to move to the new high school there is also an air of excitement from Magill.

The English teacher is looking forward to the new space, even with the “storage and set building spaces [which] are structured differently,” and despite the different setups, Magill said she and the drama department are looking forward to “using this opportunity to reorganize and reevaluate the materials we have now.”

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