Incoming seventh graders can prepare for junior high with Boost

Changing schools can always be stressful for students, especially the transition from elementary to junior high. Luckily, Peet has a solution to make students going into seventh grade a little more comfortable in the building, Boost. 

Megan Bowden is one of the counselors at Peet. She said, “Boost is our seventh grade orientation we hold every summer before school starts. Incoming seventh graders come for two days to learn about the building, walk their schedules, meet new people, and get introduced to the expectations we have at Peet. “

This year, Boost is Aug. 5-8. Students with the last name A-K will come 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on the Aug. 5-6 and students L-Z will come at the same time on Aug. 7-8. 

According to Bowden, Boost is a great learning opportunity for incoming seventh graders. She  said, “Students will be separated into groups that rotate through a few sessions each morning. They will spend time learning about Peet, our staff, and our expectations, they will have the chance to set up their Chromebooks, they will walk their schedules and tour the building, and they will also participate in some team building/leadership activities that will help them get to know their peers better. It’s always really fun and a great way to become more comfortable at Peet before the school year starts”

Incoming seventh graders are highly recommended to register for Boost as it is an opportunity to prepare for seventh grade, but also to get comfortable with new people and make new friends before the school year starts. Student can register for Boost by visiting this link.

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