Athlete of the Week | Adia Moril | Special Olympic Track

In what ways has your specific sport changed you? 

It was challenging at first, but I got better every year.

How does playing your sport make you feel? 

It makes me happy inside.

How do you think you could improve throughout the season? 

Probably not stress out so much in state competitions. 

What do you think is your greatest accomplishment? 

Winning a gold medal for the first time in 7th grade for track and field.

How long have you been interested in your sport? 

Since 7th grade.

Can you give any advice to others trying to get into your sport? 

Special Olympics gives people with disabilities a chance to have fun and be active.

How do you train? 

Bowling: September- October    Basketball: January- February  Track and field: February-March.

What do you eat to stay in shape? 

A good breakfast.

What is your favorite memory from this sport? 

Meeting new people.

What personal goals do you have this season?  

Not stress out about the loud noises.

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