Monica Clark/Staff Writer
Students are embracing books with a new club that has just started, and the numbers are growing.
Librarian Kim Traw had started a book club a few years ago, but it didn’t work out as this one seems to.
“We started one, but students soon stopped coming. This time the students came to me to ask if they could start it. That’s why I think this will be different. They’re actually interested and excited about it,” Traw said.
Sophomore Carmen Wood was the instigator of the club. She wanted an open atmosphere to talk about books.
“I wanted a place where people can discuss books without it feeling like a class or something that they have to do,” Wood said.
Many of the members can agree.
“I love being able to talk to people about books,” sophomore Eve Willet said.
Every Thursday right after school, the book club meets to discuss a new book that they chose the week before. They talk about what they liked, what was interesting to them and what questions that anyone had.
So far they have read The Time Machine by H.G. Wells and Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment by James Patterson. They are soon going to be reading Shattered Glass by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes and Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.
“I’ve read books here that I normally wouldn’t have if I hadn’t joined,” sophomore Dana DeGrat said, “It’s really fun, and I’ve met new friends here.”
Even though the whole point of a book club is the books, students still weave socializing into the discussions.
“If you’re not doing anything, it’s a great way to spend your time. When you bring your friends you get to hang out with them here,” DeGrat said.
They are looking to bring in new members to the group. Anyone and everyone is welcome. The club has been meeting in the library.
“It doesn’t hurt to come. There’s food every week, so you might as well come and check it out,” Wood said.
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