Megan Lane/Staff Writer
Kids today play sports from football to swimming, but how many have played the latest phenomenon in Cedar Falls: soccer tennis? This multitasking game incorporates the rules of tennis with soccer moves.
Juniors Muhammad Shehata and Forrest Wrede are looking to kick off this next big thing in athletic fun.
After a pick-up game of soccer on the tennis court a year ago at Peet Junior High, Shehata and some of his friends began experimenting with mixing soccer and tennis on the courts.
So what exactly makes this sport so interesting and fun?
“I think just the alteration of tennis to include soccer makes it really fun for soccer players who have good foot skills or just enjoy a fun soccer-related game,” Wrede said.
“I had fun because of the people I was playing with, they made it fun.” said junior Tracy Lukasiewicz.
So the question is could this be the next big sport for the world.
“[Soccer tennis] wouldn’t be as big as like football or something, but in terms of small sports like raquetball, I think it could get big. It’s incredibly fun to play,” Wrede said.
For those who are eager to try this new sport out, they should know that no previous skills are really required.
The rules for the game are simple. Basically, each side has to kick a soccer ball over the net after letting it bounce no more than three times on their side.
“It is not very hard to play. Some basic soccer skills are necessary, but anybody who played even as a little kid could easily pick it up,” Wrede said.
For students who have played either sport before, their previous skills will be beneficial.
“I, myself play soccer. The game is really similar to tennis, but the skills required come much more from soccer,” Wrede said.
Lukasiewicz said, “ I play tennis, but I’m not so hot in soccer, so it was hard to get the ball in the court. I had a ton of fun, though.”
Students who have enjoyed soccer tennis before say they would reccommend this for anyone looking for a good time.
“I would recommend it to others because it is very fun and entertaining sport, and it is also a great workout,” Wrede said.
“I would definitly recommend this to anyone looking for some fun outdoors,” Lukasiewicz said also.
If you are looking for more information about this and the game time, contact Shehata or Wrede.
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