Oct. 31 marked the day the human population exceeded 7 billion—a landmark event, yes, but not in the way we would hope.
Seven billion people means increased pollution, deforestation, disease, armed conflicts and human rights spread thin.
It means globalization is on the rise, which may not be such a bad thing except for the undeveloped countries that must learn to manage their own economies effectively before being caught up in the economies of other countries.
It means more people will surely follow.
Population growth has continued to break its own records throughout history.
While it took hundreds of thousands of years for us to reach the first billion in 1804, it only took a dozen years to reach the seventh from the sixth.
If our numbers continue to escalate like this, will people be able to lead safe and sustainable ways of life in the future?
The answer to curbing humanity’s rapid multiplication lies in two simple responses: contraceptives and family planning.
Contraceptives, in their multifaceted glory, reduce the threat of sexually transmitted diseases, reduce unwanted childbirths, reduce deaths due to childbirth and reduce the need for abortions, one of the United States’ most heated debates.
Family planning, on the other hand, would spread awareness of these topics.
In countries with massive spikes in population, family planning has been proven to reduce birth rates by more than half.
Contraceptives and family planning, in comparison to raising too many children, are less costly and less burdensome.
And rather than government-enforced birth laws, they are more persuasive.
We must take another look at what may happen if we don’t put an end to our own destructive growth.
We live on only one little blue ball, and it won’t always be able to meet our needs.
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