Izzie Hayes/Staff Writer
After a disappointing 11th place finish last year, the Tigers finished in third place Saturday, Nov. 5 in Marshalltown.
As a team, the Tigers worked on becoming a family this year and were going into State with the mind set of finishing better than last year.
Freshman Martee Grainger was among the eleven women’s swimmers that qualified for State.
“In general, I think the whole team went into State with a positive attitude.
The way you think has a lot to do with the way you compete, and everyone on the team knew that,” Grainger said.
Not only did the team come together and form a family, but the team also succeeded in all of its competitions, placing in the top two in every meet up to State and being ranked No. 1 in the state for a majority of the season.
Senior captain Kelsey Abbas was also among the girls that continued on to State. “We were all really happy that it went so much better. It’s definitely more satisfying to know that you didn’t get up at 5 a.m. for three months for no reason,” Abbas said. Abbas is one of the 10 seniors that the Tigers will have to work hard to replace come next year.
Montana Clasby is also one of the seniors that will be graduating in the spring. “I am going to miss swimming in high school, I love my girls, and I am going to miss seeing them every day,” Clasby said. “We are losing a lot of good swimmers this year, but the girls will have no problem filling our shoes.”
The Tigers have had a momentous improvement from last year, and hope to continue to improve as new swimmers come up to the high school level. “I just want the girls to have as much fun as I did my four years. I want them to succeed in everything and grow together as a team,” Clasby said.
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