Political Issues Club (PIC) is a student-started, student-run club at the high school that met Friday morning for the first time. Although scheduled to meet Thursday, Sept. 20 at 7:15 a.m., the club ran into conflicts with student leadership groups.
PIC encourages students to debate hot topics much like the presidential debates will be, beginning in October. Its main focus is for students to create solutions for the problems we face locally, nationally and internationally.
A huge variety of people can benefit from this group because the focus encompasses a range of interests. Students interested in the economy, environmental policies, taxes, gun control, abortion, gay rights, education or women’s rights can all share their view points in a judgment-free atmosphere. By listening to other students expressing their own opinions, we can all expand our knowledge and better understand opposing viewpoints.
Advisers and teachers Chris Dyvig and Robert Schmidt worked with juniors Jacob Pence, Taylor and Justin King to fine tune the details for the group meetings which will regularly be Friday mornings at 7:15 a.m. in rooms alternating between rooms 259 and 256. Dyvig estimated that Friday about 12 or 13 students showed up to participate, and he looks forward to an even bigger group in the future.
The first meeting focused on organizing meeting ideas, establising the direction the group will take and procedures. They also went over the guest list. Walt Rogers is scheduled to give a talk Friday, Oct. 28 at the PIC meeting. Jeff Danielson is scheduled for two weeks from then. The group is also hoping to schedule dates for Matt Reisetter and Chuck Grassley to make guest appearances. The club is open to a lot of different varieties. They plan to advertise topics weekly. Walk-in traffic is welcomed. The fun for this election year is only getting started.
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