After months of rehearsal, it’s showtime for the two jazz bands and two concert bands.
The band pops concert will be held on Tuesday, March 12 at 7:30 p.m in the high school gym.
“How to Train Your Dragon,” “Shrek Dance Party” and “Feeling Good,” which features CFHS graduate Rhys Talbot singing, are only a few of the many songs the band has been preparing for over two months.
“Both of the bands have been sight reading different music for a couple months now. Then we voted and decided which pieces we would be most excited to play. In one of the songs, there is some sweet choreography, so we have been preparing a lot for that,” senior Julie Doyle said.
The most rewarding part of the pops concert for band students is the outcome of all the hard work put into preparing for it.
“We generally put our pops repertoire together in a month, so getting it to sound really good in a few months is always a challenge, but it is super rewarding when you play it and it sounds great. The applause afterwards is also awesome,” senior Bennett Ford said.
The pops concert wouldn’t be as much of a success without the audience.
“The best part of the show is always the interaction with the crowd. It’s awesome to hear when they really connect with a song or when they laugh at the emcees,” Doyle said.
“We want to fill up the gym since this is the first year we’re doing one show. We highly encourage everyone to come out and hear two great concert bands as well as our two jazz bands who are really bringing it this year,” Ford said.
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