School is well in motion and everyone is starting to figure out what sports, activities, clubs and jobs they’re going to be part of, but here’s one more club to add to your growing list: science club. This is the club’s first year at the high school, and it’s definitely getting everything in line for it to have a fun and exciting year.
The club was started up and is lead by Brennan Ashwood and Erik Cheng, along with the help of Ron Hoofnagle, a CFHS science and math teacher.
“It was easy to get teachers’ support, but organizing everything is a little hard,” Cheng said. This is due to the club being student-led and demonstrated.
The club is planning to compete in four different competitions dealing with both science and math.
These competitions are the Science Bowl, Science Olympiad, Math League and the Regional Americans Math League ( RAML).
Each competition is run in different ways. The Science Bowl consists of teams of four that are asked questions and must hit a buzzer in an attempt to score a point for the team, where Math League has teams of six that complete an exam and help each other out with solving problems. RAML is a harder version of the Math League.
The Science Olympiad differs the farthest from the other three. In this competition, teams will divide into pairs and compete in different events in attempts to win or score high amongst the other competing teams. At the end of the day, the winning team/school is announced after all of the events are added up.
“This semester will be a lot of preparation, but we do have some speakers later in the year,” Ashwood said. “We have a theoretical physicist coming for multiple talks, an expert in biomechanics, and a materials engineer from John Deere.”
With all this preparation, time and competition, the group’s main goals to achieve are “to just be successful and to get people interested,” Cheng said.
And before they graduate, they would “like to establish a strong science group that will last after we graduate,” Ashwood said.
Science Club meets every Tuesday at 3 p.m. sharp, so those interested should stop by for some fun knowledge and to be a part its journey to compete in science bowls, contests and the Science Olympiad. With science, the possibilities are endless.
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