Marley Weaver:
Well, I was promoted up to an office position at Ross Marketing, so I’ve been working full time here doing customer service and other stuff. I don’t know for sure if I want to stay here for a couple years and do some schooling at Hawkeye and just get used to being an adult in an environment I know, or if I just want to move to Colorado like I planned on doing.
I do plan on walking at the ceremony. I think that [I graduated early] only because school had never really been my thing. I really just wanted to start working and saving up money and plan out what I want to do with my life so I wouldn’t stress out.
I do plan on going to college and getting my Gen Eds and then going to a university in Colorado, if I do end up staying here. If not, I’ll just do all of my schooling in Colorado.
[Graduating early] has very much affected my social life. I don’t talk to a lot of people at the high school anymore, but if I saw them somewhere I could still talk them, and it wouldn’t be different.
I felt really left out during a lot of stuff, though, like when something would happen at school that was somewhat eventful, I wish I could have been there for it.
I would say if you plan on graduating early, don’t just graduate because you have enough credits to and hate school. I missed out on a lot of free college classes and other art classes that I could have taken, but if you actually have a plan to do something within those months, I would go for it. It’s actually pretty nice because then you have that time to figure out kind of what it would be like to be done with school and basically be an adult because, in my case, I was still 17 when I graduated, so I felt like an adult almost and kind of started depending on myself more and figuring out how it is, but then I still had my mom there to help me and guide me for when I actually am completely done.
Autumn Saul:
I’ve been working full time at Applebee’s, and I plan to move to Arizona in July with my best friend Maranda.
I will be participating in the graduation ceremony. It’s going to be sad to see all my friends for the last time mostly.
[After graduating early,] I feel more successful, and I’m more prepared to move, and I feel less rushed [,but] I don’t see some of the people that I used to see every day and I’m more independent.
I’ve been thinking about cosmetology schools in Arizona, [for those considering early graduation,]
Do your homework on time and don’t procrastinate. Be organized and stay prepared because you will get stressed.
Ashley Sires:
I just finished my first semester at Hawkeye, so I’m feeling pretty good about where I’m at. I’m going to get my associate’s at Hawkeye and then transfer to get my bachelors. I haven’t decided if I want to go out of state yet, but it’s something I’ve been considering.
I think I did help myself out, [by graduating early,] not only because I got a head start on my college career, but also because high school wasn’t something that I enjoyed. Most often I felt like I was being given busy work and even feeling like I was wasting my time. College opened up a whole new view on education for me because I actually enjoyed the time I spent in class this semester as opposed to during high school.
I do plan on continuing and eventually want to become an early elementary school teacher.
Early graduation gave me the opportunity to make new friends through work and college that I am closer with now than I’ve ever been with anybody. It’s a nice feeling to have friends that come from all different backgrounds.
If you are even considering graduating early in your sophomore or even freshman year, get the classes that are required out of the way. You can always take electives and other fun classes if you decide to stay, but it’s harder on yourself if you’re trying to get three or four English credits in your last few semesters on top of all the other required courses.
I would recommend graduating early to anyone who has ever thought about it because it’s been a great experience for me.
Isabella Wilson:
Since I graduated, I have been working a lot at Peppers. I plan on attending Hawkeye this fall. I will be attending the ceremony.
I think I helped myself out by graduating early because I know I would have just been drowning in school work that I didn’t need since I already have all the credits I need. I do plan on furthering my education starting with Hawkeye.
My social life has pretty much remained the same except I’m not friends with a lot of the people I used to be, but that’s OK. If school isn’t your thing and you have the credits you need, I think early graduation is the way to go, so you can start saving money or pursuing your interests.
Gabe Chestnut:
Well, I enlisted in the National Guard and have been in it since October and am going to basic training this summer. I also have been working at Walmart as a cashier.
I plan on going to college after a year break for training but plan on having a computer science major.
I will be participating in the graduation ceremony. Honestly, I have been bored after high school because all my friends are still in, but I’m glad I don’t have to worry about finals.
For people graduating early, I say before you even graduate, get a job so that when you do graduate you have one.
Sadie Kolpek:
I work all the time, and I’ve signed a lease and put a deposit on a apartment. I’ve met a lot of people, and I do a lot of things during the day with them when I’m not working.
I’m going to Hawkeye starting August, and I’m going for a pre-nursing program, which will lead me into my LPN, and then I’ll keep going to be an RN.
I will be participating [in commencement] because I feel like that’s a huge memory I don’t want to miss out on.
I think I helped myself a lot because working all the time has prepared me for moving out and starting college. I pay for everything on my own, so it was a good idea, [and it] has affected my social life. I’ve met many new people and have become very much more outgoing (even though I’ve always been outgoing).
My attitude is much more positive toward everyone and a more kind outlook. Once you graduate, all of the gossip and rumors become pathetic, and it disappears. Everyone that is out of high school doesn’t speak the way toward or about others the way we do in high school.
It makes it so much easier to make friends, and be happy. It’s great being around people who don’t judge every move anyone makes and talk about everything anyone does. No one cares after high school, and it’s an amazing feeling having real friends and real people around you.
If I had any tips or advice, it would be to make yourself happy. Live day by day. Don’t stress about everything because things work out. Save money because you will be broke when you move out (if you are paying for it), but being broke is worth the freedom and the people you meet and the experience you’ll have.
Don’t let anyone control you or make you feel bad about yourself. Life is good after you graduate, and you’ll meet the right people and fall into the right place.
Good luck to all of you, and be happy.
Madison Pitzenberger:
After I graduated on Jan. 8, I started college at Hawkeye Community College on Jan. 11. I have also been working at a hog confinement.
I plan to continue to go to school in the animal field, hopefully one day reaching my career goal of becoming a large animal vet.
I will not be participating in the graduation ceremony due to conflicts with work.
I personally believe that I made the right decision in graduating early. I was able to jump from high school to college without missing a beat. I think because I didn’t get out of that mind set and routine of studying, balancing school work and my social life, it affected me in a positive way.
Graduating early gave me the option to get a head start on my furthered education rather than sit in high school earning more credits that I didn’t need.
I plan to get my two-year animal science degree and vet assistant degree at Hawkeye Community College. After Hawkeye, I plan to apply at ISU for the veterinarian program.
Early graduation has affected my social life. It has allowed me to go to school with fellow peers that share the same goals and interests as I do, allowing me to create lifelong friendships.
For any high school student that is considering graduating early these are the tips I want to share with you!
1. Make up all your detention in a timely manner, and don’t wait till the last couple of days.
2. Go to prom! I didn’t, and I regret it.
3. Have a game plan for after high school, whether that be college, work, military or sailing around the world. Whatever it may be, just stick to it.
4. Enjoy your years at the high school. You’ll miss it after you graduate.
5. Finally, respect the faculty. They are the ones who get to decide if you graduate early!
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