As medical technology continues to advance, life spans in the world’s wealthiest countries will continue to increase, and South Korean women may be the first to live longer than 90 years on average.
South Korea has seen remarkable transformation over the past 70 years from an impoverished war-torn nation to a leader in technology, business and now lifespan. As recently as the mid-1980s, life expectancy for South Korean women was less than 75, while men could not expect to make 65.
A new study published by the The Lancet showed that South Korean women have a 57 percent chance of hitting the over-90 longevity mark. The surest bet was that they would exceed age 86 on average.
The study combined 21 different forecasting models for age-specific mortality to 2030 in 35 industrialized countries with high-quality vital statistics data. South Korea also led the list for longevity in men, as they were expected to live beyond 80 on average.
So what is the secret? On this, there is some consensus: investments in medical care, a health-conscious culture and a hearty diet underpinned by the ubiquitous presence of fermented vegetables, most notably kimchi.
“I think I’m doing OK for my age,” Yongju, a 87 year old Korean woman said. “I go hiking at least twice a week. It’s important to stay fit and active. Also, eat your kimchi!”
But the nation has a cultural obsession with feeling its own pulse. Many South Koreans will readily confess to suffering from “health anxiety,” visiting a doctor for the slightest of symptoms.
“I visit my doctor frequently, maybe once a month, and he helps me with all my problems. I’ve never thought that it was too much,” Yongju said.
One study last year found that only 35 percent of Koreans believe they are in good health, the lowest in the OECD, the Paris-based club of mostly rich nations, and the phenomenon is underscored by TV shows offering medical advice, the number of which regulators deemed “incalculable.”
The health benefits of all this hypochondria are clear. The Imperial study lauds South Korea’s efforts to check hypertension, obesity and chronic diseases. These advances, however, were only made possible by the government’s longstanding commitment to universal healthcare. Under the system, the vast majority of citizens pay a national health insurance premium deducted from their paychecks.
Patients over 40 have a free medical check-up every two years, and the cost of visiting a doctor is drastically reduced — an incentive that has increased early detection of disease.
When compared to other wealthy countries, the United States has a very low life expectancy. American men and women are in 23rd and 27th places, respectively, in terms of life expectancy on the Lancet study, and they were expected to fall farther as other countries, particularly in Eastern Europe, improve.
For the first time since the 1990s, Americans are dying at a faster rate, and they’re dying younger. The overall death rate rose by 1.2 percent in 2015, the first time since 1999.
A pair of new studies suggest Americans are sicker than people in other rich countries, and in some states, progress on stemming the tide of basic diseases like diabetes has stalled or even reversed. The studies suggest so-called “despair deaths”—alcoholism, drugs and suicide — are a big part of the problem, but so is obesity, poverty and social isolation.
Although the United States has advanced medicine, it has an obesity epidemic, little focus on preventive care, relatively high mortality among babies of uninsured mothers and high male death rates from gunshot wounds and car accidents.
American life expectancy fell by one-tenth of a year since 2014, from 78.9 to 78.8, according to a report released last week by the National Center for Health Statistics. As The Washington Post reported, the last time the life expectancy went down instead of up was in 1993, during the throes of the AIDS epidemic.
For those trying to figure out how long you’re likely to live, estimates of “average” life expectancy may not be that helpful because that’s getting worse in an age of rising inequality. Great medical care and good fortune may add decades to the lives of the wealthy and educated, while much of the rest of America is left behind.
Baechu, or napa cabbage, kimchi is made by lacto-fermentation, the same process that creates sauerkraut and traditional dill pickles. In the first stage the cabbage is soaked in a salty brine that kills of harmful bacteria . In the second stage, the remaining lactobacillus bacteria (the good bacteria) convert sugars into lactic acid, which preserves the vegetables and gives them that wonderful, tangy flavor.
Cabbage Kimchi
Ingredients and Materials:
1 medium head (2 pounds) napa cabbage, ¼ cup sea or kosher salt, Water , 1 tbsp grated garlic (5 to 6 cloves), 1 tsp sugar, 1 to 5 tablespoons , Korean red pepper flakes (gochugaru), 8 ounces Korean radish or daikon, peeled and cut into matchsticks, 4 scallions trimmed and cut into 1-inch pieces, Cutting Board and knife, Large bowl, Gloves, Plate and something to weigh the kimchi down, like a heavy jar or can of beans , Colander, Small bowl, Clean 1-quart jar with canning lid or plastic lid, Bowl or plate to place under jar during fermentation
Kimchi Fried Rice
Ingredients and Materials:
3 cups steamed rice, 1 cup chopped kimchi, ¼ cup kimchi juice, ¼ cup water, 2-3 tablespoons, gochujang, 3 teaspoons sesame oil, 1 teaspoon vegetable oil, 1 green onion (chopped), 1 tablespoon roasted sesame seeds, 1 sheet of nori seaweed, roasted and shredded, 2 eggs, 1 large fryng pan, 1 small frying pan, Kitchen knife, Spatula, Wooden spoon
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