Student Senate will being selling handmade bracelets in the Tiger’s Den as a part of the fundraiser Beau’s Beautiful Blessings. All of the proceeds will go to a Place To Play, an all inclusive park at Greenhill city park.
Bracelets will be $1 during power hour. Sophomore Kylie and PE teacher Paul Elser will make an appearance at the booth.
An all inclusive park means that any kid of any disability will be able to enjoy the park while remaining safe and easy. The park is going to try to focus on three main things, surface, safety and accessibility.
The plans are to make the surface a flat surface with no wood chips or rock for wheelchairs or walkers to get stuck in. The safety will be a fence with no drop offs.
The accessibility feature is a big part in the Place To Play park. There will be easy access to swings and a zip line. Making the playground accessible to kids with disabilities is a main goal allowing all kids to play together.
The playground will be built on the corner of Algonquin and Ashworth in Cedar Falls.
The Place To Play is inspired by Beau Weichers, a third grader at Hansen Elementary.
Beau has???
For those who happen to miss the sale in the Tiger’s Den, they can order the bracelets online at or make donations of any size to the cause.
Beau’s Beautiful Blessing website also provides awareness for epilepsy, brain abnormalities and intellectual disabilities, as well as helping those who may suffer from them. The money will go toward providing families with the help they need with medical equipment, scholarships or anything they might need but do not have the funds.
A video on the website explains the plans for the park and how it will impact the kids of the Cedar Falls.
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