Heart of Darkness makes adjustments for opening during COVID

This year due to COVID-19, haunted houses are making adjustments to stay open. Kevin Shultz, the owner/operator of the Heart Of Darkness, is determined to open Oct. 3. 

The Heart Of Darkness has been the number one haunt in Iowa for three years straight and plans to maintain that title as well as provide for the main concern of the safety of all visitors. 

Shultz said, “The safety of my patrons, scare actors and their families is always my number one priority. They make my dream come alive, and without them, the haunt would be nothing.” Old safety rules as well as new precautions are now posted all over the haunt. These regulations are for the safety of actors and patrons alike and are as followed. 


  1. Absolutely no direct contact with scare actors will be permitted. Those who purposefully touch, punch, poke or assault scare actors will be escorted off the property by security.
  2. No food or drink in the haunt. All food purchased at the food stands must be eaten in the gated area no exceptions.
  3. Anyone who is drunk or high will be asked to leave. If you argue you will be escorted off the property by security.
  4. Masks are required as well as keeping six feet distancing as a minimum.
  5. Only half capacity will be allowed at any time to avoid crowding.
  6. If you arrive ticketless at or after 11 p.m., you will be unable to purchase one as the Heart of Darkness closes at midnight. This is to prevent having to rush groups through.
  7. If you arrive before or after 11 p.m. with an online ticket purchase, you will be permitted access to the haunt.
  8. Do not verbally assault haunt monitors or scare actors; they are here for both your safety and your entertainment.
  9. Do not stay in one area for too long, as this will cause a clog and ruin others’ experience and break the social distancing.
  10. Do not argue about signing the waiver; it is legally required to enter.


Any questions about the proceedings of The Heart of Darkness this year with COVID-19 or how to volunteer are addressed on https://www.enterthod.com/ or through their email official.ethod@gmail.com, and Shultz still invites volunteers for this year’s event.


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