Remembering those lost to police brutality

Many people who have tried to deny the necessity of BLM are usually using the excuse that the deaths only happened in 2020; however, police brutality has been around for decades. 

Erased from textbooks, voices are left unheard and unrecognized, but BLM has handed these voices a platform and a megaphone. These are the voices that were silenced by cops this year alone:


Jamari Daiwon Tarver

Darius J. Tarver

Tyree Davis

Tina Marie Davis

Brandon Dionte Roberts

Kwame Jones

Miciah Lee

Claude Washington Fain III

Earl Faycey

Henry Issac Jones

Ryan Simms

Kennan Mccain

Albert Lee Huges

Renard Antonio Daniels

Mubarak Soulemane

Samuel David Mallard

Kelvin White

Gamel Antonio Brown

Reginald Leon Boston, Jr

Michael J. Rivera

Andrew J. Smyrna

Deandre Lee Seabouroug-Patterson

Marquis Golden

Joshua James Brown

D’ovion Semaj Perkins

William Howard Green, Jr

Jaquyn O’neil Light

Keith Dutree Collins

Abdirahman Salad

Leonard Charles Parker, Jr.

Ronnel Mouzon

Alvin Cole

Marc Dominic Neal

Dominique Antwon Anderson

Jeremy Grayson

Bobby Joe Gibbs

Kevin Aldophe

Joseph C. Jewel III

Matthew Felix

Kenneth Laneal Sashington

Justin Lee Stackhouse

Desmond Hayes

Anthony Taylor

Manuel Ellis

Devan Austin Twilley

Ellijah Jamal Brewer

Tyler M. Jones

Barry Gedues

Zachery Anderson, Jr

Donnie Sanders

Breonna Taylor

Darrell William Mobely SR

Darwin (Darren) Barnell Foy

William Dion Tollbert Simpkins

Lebarron Ballard

Harold Spencer

Mychael Johnson

Alvin Lamont Baum II

Kamaal Koby Edwards

Daniel Prude

Tyrell “Rex” Fincher

Etonne T. Tanzymore

Nathan R Hodge

Tommie Dale Mcglothein Junior

Idris Abdus-Salam

Dewayne Curtis Lafond

Joshua Dariandre Ruffin

Desmond Franklin

Kanisha Necole Fuller

Jonathan Lee Adams

Goldie Bellinger

Jasman Washington

Derick L. Powwe

Steven Damarco Taylor

Joel Acevedo

Virgill Thorpe

Chase Rosa

Joshua Johnson

Elmer L. Mack

Kelvin D. Shaw

Jonas Joseph AKA Jayo Sama

John Lee Fuhr

In four months of 2020, all 83 people were murdered by police while unarmed, and 164 black men, women and children were killed overall. 

The BLM movement honors these names that were kept from being said. The lack of acknowledgement for these people was and still is a disgusting truth that this country will have to bear, and we need to as a country need to stop this pattern. 

This was over the span of four months. This is not a political issue; this is a racism issue. We need to stand with those around us and fight for this cause. We need to stop police brutality. So this New Year, make one of your resolutions “Stopping the murders of innocent people.”

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