Peet walking club enjoying Tiger Time enrichment despite uncooperative weather

Spring is a great time to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Stephanie Groen is a math teacher at Peet Junior High School, and she started an enrichment called walking club. 

Students meet every Wednesday or Friday (depending on the week) and walk around outside. Groen said, “The weather this month has really impacted our ability to get outside. We have been walking in the gym when it’s been open and have had to cancel one day. I am hoping for a much warmer May.” 

A group of students can sign up for it each month and depending on the month, there are typically about 30 students involved in the walking club. Though more than 30 typically sign up. Groen said 30 seems to be the right number for supervision purposes. She has been hosting this enrichment for a few years now despite the difficult weather. 

Seventh grader Laney Waseskuk said, “Anyone can be involved in a walking club, and it’s always fun because your friends will most likely get in. Walking indoors can get boring, sometimes but it’s also so fun in different ways. When we walk outside, we will go around the track multiple times. Sometimes when the weather is bad we get a chance to walk around in the gym. We usually have the choice if we would rather stay in our Tiger Time classroom. We meet every Friday of the month as long as you sign up for it before the month starts. Sometimes they will be on other days like a Tuesday, but in the past they are usually on a Friday. Mrs. Groen has also made this such a fun experience because she always interacts with us students, and we don’t have to walk around and be quiet. We can talk to our friends.” 

Groen is hoping to continue this enrichment in May and maybe have more students sign up. Seventh grader Kinzie Clayton is involved and said, “As a whole I love the Tiger Time enrichment. It is really fun to just enjoy a little free time and walk around with your friends.”

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