Creative writing opens windows of self expression

For eons in humanity, the arts have been a longtime product of the people and cultures that existed. One of the early forms of art that still affects and shapes our society is writing, from books to plays. In just a year, at least 500,000 books are published and are sent out for the world to experience. One specific form of writing is creative writing, a form of writing that lets the author express themselves and create original and imaginative works, instead of writing that was made with the purpose of informing or covering a real world issue.

According to the University of Bolton, “Creative writing helps us express our emotions; allowing us to deal with tough situations in a healthy manner. Writing can be a self-care method for many; helping to unwind and de-stress. Some may also use creative writing as a way of connecting with others. Writing can aid the development of creativity; when you write; you are essentially generating new thoughts and recording them.”

CFHS has multiple opportunities to try and start creative writing. With things like GoogleDocs, it’s easy to begin putting down ideas for stories and putting together your thoughts. In CFHS, there is even a creative writing class taught by Matthew Klemesrud in room 208. 

Creative writing itself can take many different forms, like scripts, speeches and poems. Anything that requires a person’s own creative input, in this sense, the general form of literature is equated to creative writing. It doesn’t have to be total fiction either. Non-fiction writing can also have creative elements outside of the content of the writing itself. Students should think about trying out creative writing if they want a way to express themselves, whether taking a class on it, or just opening up a GoogleDoc and letting their imaginations run wild and free.

Teachers could also use creative writing in some classes as a way for students to express their ideas and understanding of something, whether that be a new concept being taught or some previously established piece of writing. In a way, things like papers or essays can be considered creative writing for the fact that you are asked to give your thoughts on something, albeit in a different, more organized and presentable format. 


Now for a Q&A with Mr. Klemesrud, the Creative writing teacher.


Q: Why do you feel that creative writing is important?

A: I think all people, both are a living story and have a living story that is worth telling. Most people have been inspired by someone else’s story, so it only makes sense that our valuable students with their valuable stories are empowered, equipped, and encouraged to tell their story well.


Q:What do you feel separates creative writing from regular English classes?

A: In our curriculum, creative writing is designated for senior year. We feel that structure and writing process for various writing purposes are covered well in previous years. Senior year creative writing is a chance to capitalize on those writing experiences, but with more personality and creative opportunity.


Q: What is your creative writing class about?

A: Our first unit targets our linear story structure, characterization and dialogue. Our second unit deals with non-linear story structure, reader engagement with suspense and comedy techniques, and exploration of screenwriting and narrative poetry techniques. Unit three deals with setting and worldbuilding, and unit four deals with different types of figurative language, including embedded motifs. 


Q: What do you think of students’ varied interests when it comes to writing?

A: I look at my job as to empower the students and let them express themselves and support their choices. One student may love anime and find their motivation in it, and a student sitting next to them may wanna write a screenplay trilogy, and across a student may want to write a short story that changes how people view an aspect of gun control issue, and those are all supported.


Q: What is your recommendation for students who want to start writing but struggle with ideas?

A: We have several idea generation techniques that we use, setting expectations, allowing students to come up with ideas that they would want to write about. Students should know what stories they are going to use for the 4 CSA’s long before they start the writing process.

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