Filing two weeks notice important before beginning new job

For teens, quitting their jobs without a backup plan is becoming more common. This is most likely because they have their parents, who will support them no matter what.

Normally, when teens quit their jobs they don’t usually have another place to work waiting in line. Teens normally apply for jobs around a month or more after quitting their last one. Things like this gap in your resume will cause workplaces to question whether or not they should hire you.

So, before you quit, it’d probably be best to find a place to apply to weeks before quitting your current job. You should also think of the expectations that these new workplaces will have for you.

Nick Isom, a store leader at the Kwik Star on Fletcher Ave. in Waterloo said that he looks for “longevity in their work history and several other factors that play into how they fit with our core values,” when his Kwik Star is searching for new employees.

Meanwhile, Kimberly Folkerts, a store Leader at the Kwik Star on the Hill in Cedar Falls, mainly looks at things like, “Availability. Dependable. Hard working. Someone who isn’t there just for the paycheck or social aspect” while hiring and interviewing.

Not only do you have to take into consideration the expectations of stores, but you also have to think about the current job pool.

Both store managers agree that the job pool right now is very limited. Folkerts believes that it’s harder for teens to “work with all the extra curricular activities they are a part of.”

Not only is the job pool limited today, but it’s also very hard for them both to find hard-working and dedicated workers.

Folkerts said that “expectations put a damper on things, or the candidate doesn’t want to work that hard.”

Not only is it hard for them to find these dedicated workers, but Isom found that only around “30 percent of workers put in their two weeks notice.”

Not putting in these two weeks’ notice looks very bad on a resume, and for Folkerts, it shows “how you want to be treated. If you don’t fulfill notice, it indicates you don’t want to do your part or simply don’t care about team members and what it puts them through.”

Filing a two weeks’ notice is simply filling out the form and finishing the remaining shifts you have with your company.

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