Teacher Feature: Michelle Rathe

Meet Michelle Rathe, the CFHS English teacher who loves making her classroom a happy place. “Nobody’s perfect, and you can always keep trying to get better,” she tells her students, encouraging them to always learn and grow.

Rathe really cares about her students. “I hope they know that I care a lot about them, and I want them to know that they matter,” she said. She loves those moments when her students surprise themselves by doing well. “I always remember when our students surprise themselves with their work, realizing how well they are doing,” she said, celebrating their successes.

Rathe wants to keep her students excited about learning. She does this by helping them see the real-life reasons behind what they’re studying. “Understanding the ‘why’ makes studying more meaningful,” she said.

Teaching can be tough sometimes. Rathe said she faces challenges when students find things hard or frustrating. “I try to help them understand that it’s OK to ask for help or keep trying,” she said, emphasizing she wants her students to be brave in facing challenges.

One of her students, Addison Berlinson, likes Rathe’s fun and positive style. “She is very fun and always makes sure everybody understands what she is talking about,” Addison said. She said Rathe’s positive vibes make the classroom a comfortable place for everyone.

According to Berlinson, Rathe is a great teacher because she’s positive and makes sure everyone feels comfortable. “She is very positive, and she always makes sure those in class feel comfortable with what they are doing,” Berlinson pointed out, saying it’s important to feel supported.

Rathe’s classes are not just about English, they’re about having fun, feeling supported and discovering your potential.

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