The variety show is a production that showcases the talents of the Holmes Junior High School students. Featuring singing, dancing, drama, stunts, comedy and more,...
Every year, the Holmes Junior High student council sells candy canes during lunch to raise money for Canes for a Cause. Julie Rouse, one of...
Poetry Out Loud, a program not new to the high school that lets students memorize poetry and perform it in front of judges with the...
“It was really fun and got me in the Christmas spirit and helped me have fun during break.” -Regan Easter. Every year, Helen A. Hansen...
The Cedar Falls Community School District is making progress to build a Scheels Tiger Performance Center multi-purpose indoor facility. According to Activity Director Troy Becker,...
There are many strong opinions about what holiday comes first: Thanksgiving or Christmas? In a Hi-Line survey, 10 percent of ninth graders had many different...
For students aged 12-17, 3.3 million have ADHD. Being one of those kids, I have used many different stress relieving toys, and fidget toys. For...
Holmes Junior High has been offering seventh graders a helpful program called Tiger Talks. Tiger Talks is a peer mentoring program, helping incoming seventh graders...
Holmes Junior High has started off this school year strong with many clubs for students to join. Listed below are just some of the options....
For the past nine years, Holmes PE teacher Lauren Greiner has been running Bike Club, an eight-week fall and spring program sponsored by Bike Tech....