This season we need to give the one woman in our life who does everything for us a huge gift. Mother earth deserves to not...
Recycled Sweater Mittens This easy gift requires no knitting or crocheting at all, so anyone can do it. First, find an old sweater or something...
Stuffed Animal There are a variety of stuffed animals that are not only, yes, cheesy but a great idea. At Walmart, starting at $10, you...
The holiday season was all about giving, and six high school students definitely didn’t fall short this past December. On Dec. 16, six of Mrs....
By Tehya Tournier Out of time for gift ideas? Follow these suggestions to holiday bliss 1. Tini Me Winter Wonderland bath bombs: If the person...
By: Mia Blair I have always been interested in learning foreign language. In 2010, I was in my second year of Latin and my first...
Maya Amjadi/Staff Writer Students and teachers are celebrating the holidays in some classrooms by doing secret Santas. The process is to draw someone’s name and...