The month of Ramadan is considered the holiest month of the year for 2 billion people across the globe. This year, Ramadan started on the...
“A Very Large Expanse Of Sea” is a novel written by Tahereh Mafi (30), published back in October of 2018. The story starts out by...
By Yoon Ki Islamophobia is closed-minded prejudice against or hatred of Islam and Muslims. An Islamophobe is an individual who holds a closed-minded view of...
Karl Sadkowski/Opinion Editor Many of “New York’s Finest” have just been put into question. The New York Police Department (NYPD), the largest police department in...
By Arusha Afzal 2006
By Brandi Huber 2005
By Shenay Damirgi 2005 Islam is an Arabic word that means peace and surrender. A Muslim is a person who surrenders to God and finds...