Book Club
Instructor: Kim Traw
Meetings: Currently, they are scheduled to meet on March 11.
Agenda: Usually, they decide on a book to discuss at the previous meeting, so before the next meeting everyone tries to read the book, and they father to discuss it. Also, people talk about what books they’ve read recently that they have liked. They also talk about movies and have treats.
Art Club
Instructor: Lisa Klenske
Meetings: We meet every Tuesday from 3 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Agenda: It depends on if we are getting ready for a sale right away or not. Most of the time is spent making art to sell on the Art a la Carte. Time is also spent planning events where we can arrange to have the Art Cart selling art and signing up workers to sell. Students also take turns teaching each other new art projects.
Instructor: Melissa Breddin
Meetings: We meet every Monday night from 7 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Agenda: They often discuss issues going on around the school. They hosted the coordinator of the Iowa Pride Network for a special meeting in October. They will have more guest speakers on various topics related to the GLBT community.
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