The Tiger Hi-Line is available online.
In an effort to bring news and events to every one’s attention quicker, we have been moving to quicker forms of communication on the Internet.
We have started a Tiger Hi-Line Twitter account for all users to follow. The account name is @TigerHiLine. We tweet information about upcoming games, concerts or other current events. We also try to make our stories available to you by sending out links. Every Friday, we tweet the current favorite songs from the staff. We call this Friday Song Day. If you want to participate and help promote the Tiger Hi-Line Twitter account, simply tweet your favorite song of the day @TigerHiLine and hashtag #FSD for Friday Song Day.
Another available website for information regarding the Cedar Valley and our school is the Cedar Falls Patch website. The website is run by CFHS graduate and former Hi-Line editor Allison Gowans, and it serves as an information site about news, events, blogs and photos of the Cedar Valley. The Tiger Hi-Line has a blog on the site, and you can read published stories on the site if you cannot get your hands on the latest edition.
There is no reason for not keeping in touch with the happenings of your community with all this information so easily accessible to you, so, by all means, start reading the news, whether it be by from tweets, papers or websites.
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