This last couple weeks has highlighted a number of character-defining contributions around the high school, so we’d just like to point out some of these efforts so those involved can take a bow.
First up for recognition are all those who are donating in today’s blood drive. According to the statistics, every pint of blood has the potential to impact up to three lives, and perhaps some of those who receive the gift of these CFHS contributors will be for matters of life and death. Everyone who contributes today is a hero, and that includes all of the volunteers who showed up early to coordinate the event behind the scenes.
Another big group of students had the chance for experiencing a Shakespeare play staged right here in the community on Monday. Taking a third of the school to this event was no easy task, and the English teachers who set this up deserve a round of applause for helping all those involved experience their curriculum in ways that the sophomores will never forget. Field trips and community involvement are increasingly rare, but this connection proves their value.
Last but not least, three other students recently turned their dedication to excellence into distinguished attention. Jazz musicians Michael Stow on trombone, Isaac Smith on trumpet and Kyler Boss on drums joined the 20-member All State Jazz Band comprised of musicians from all 4A classes around Iowa. They and directors Kyle Englehardt and Gerald Ramsey are just another example of a string of Tiger efforts hitting the high notes.
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