By: Tana Gam-Ad
It’s no big secret that here at Cedar Falls High School, we consider giving a grand gesture. In fact, the entire Cedar Falls community experiences the joy of giving multiple times a year, whether it be services, money, clothes or a number of other donations. In the last semester we have held various fundraisers such as tourneys, baking sales and marathons with the proceeds going to good causes. A well known one is the 2015 Student Food Drive where CF Schools collected 15, 506 pounds of food for a first place win over Waterloo East and West. Overall 37,766 pounds of food was collected, which helps over 31,000 families. A new year means new opportunities, so let’s join together and find happiness in helping others by giving. Chances to do so are listed below.
Coaches vs Cancer Be Bold In Blue Fundraiser: This event will be later today, Friday, Feb. 12 at the CFHS gym. Come and watch our Tigers vs the Waterloo West Wahawks. The sophomore boys will compete at 6 p.m. and varsity at 7:30 p.m. Other fundraising events are the silent auction, bake sale and T’s for3’s. Coaches vs Cancer shirts are in. If you have ordered and paid for a shirt, you may pick it up in the cafeteria during Power Hour. If you still need to pay for your shirt, please pay Mrs. Steffy in the main office.
The Travis Vaughn Memorial: Donation boxes are located in the library and counseling office. Items to donate include personal hygiene items like shampoo, conditioner, body wash, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc. Socks & T-shirts for men and women are also accepted. The last day to donate is next Friday, Feb. 19. We will also be having a bake sale next Friday for the memorial. All items donated will be given to the Veterans Home in Marshalltown.
Dance Marathon: This event is set to be one of the most fun of the year. Enjoy rocking out to your favorite tunes with your friends while helping those in need. Dance Marathon is next Friday, Feb. 19 from 7-11 p.m. at the CFHS gym. Sign up on Schoology, and you can order and purchase your ticket, T-shirt and hat today. All orders for shirts and hats must be in and paid for by Monday, Feb. 15 at noon. We will have a DJ — Ultimate Entertainment, a dodgeball tournament, hide-n-seek and many more activities. All of our proceeds will go toward UNI’s Dance Marathon and the Iowa Children’s Hospital in Iowa City.
The Do Better, Be Better Dodgeball Tournament: The event will be held on Saturday, Feb. 20 at the CFHS gym. First games begin at noon. Register before Wednesday, Feb. 17. Team captains will be sent tournament brackets by Thursday, Feb. 18. There is a registration fee of $10 per person registered. Checks are made payable to Do Better. Be Better. $60 per team and a waiver for each person will need to be turned in before one can play. Water, Gatorade and fruit will be available for purchase at the concession stand. There will be no admission charge for spectators. Prizes will be given to the best dressed team and winners of the tournament. Rules of the game and other information can be found at All proceeds from this event will go to families in need in our communities.
People all around are in need of help, so let’s all pitch in and give them all the help they need. Though our individual actions may seem small, when put together with everyone else’s, these make a big step towards making the world a fair and better place for everyone to live in.
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