This week, we have had plenty of opportunities to support the food drive. We had PowderPuff volleyball on Monday night, and karaoke night last night, all in support of the food drive. PowderPuff volleyball alone raised $780 as well as jars of peanut butter.
Today, we are having another bake sale, trunk or treat from 1-3 p.m. on Sunday and there also will be pumpkin carving and Halloween costumes next week on Monday, as well as a pie throwing fundraiser on Wednesday during power hour and another fundraiser at Pizza Ranch from 5 to 8 p.m. on Nov. 7.
From Monday, Oct 31 to Friday, Nov 4, there is also going to be a dodgeball tournament that will run schoolwide during B shift power hour.
To participate, you need to bring 50 cans or donate $25 as a team.
We encourage you to try to support the food drive in any way you possibly can. This is another way for all of us to pull together as a community and support a great cause that we can all help and support.
While you can support the food drive through all of these ways, also make sure to bring cans to your third hour class.
If every student brings something and tries to help, it can go a long way to help people who are in need of the food that we are trying to raise.
There are several ways to participate and help out the cause, so let’s come together to help out.
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