With highs in the 60s, a few clouds to block out the glare of the sunshine and no chance of rain in the forecast, this Saturday seems like the perfect day to get out there and enjoy the outdoors. More specifically, it seems like a great day to go for a run! Lucky for us, this Saturday, Cedar Falls High School will be hosting its 6th annual Tiger Trot 5K Run.
Otherwise called the Tiger Trot Color Fun Run, the event will be hosted by the high school’s Student Senate. It will be held on April 22 at 8 a.m. and will begin and end at Pfeiffer Park located here in Cedar Falls (900 Grand Boulevard). Reminder, the race is also a color run, so prepare to get colorful! Those who would like to be colored in various vivid hues, please wear a white shirt to the run. As for those who do not wish to participate in the “color experience,“ please wear colored shirts.
The event is held in order to help students whose families are in a pinch as well as other families within Cedar Falls who are not able to meet basic needs. The proceeds from the fundraising event will also go toward families who have experienced emergencies that would require monetary assistance such as illnesses, fire, family deaths, etc. The money raised during last year’s Tiger Trot was able to aid eight families, so this year we hope to be able to assist in making even more families’ lives a little bit better.
Online registration for the run may be over, but we encourage everyone to show up for the run anyway. Race day registration will be $25. For students who participate in the event, you can earn three PE makeups. There will also be prizes and medals for those placing first, second and third in both male and female categories.
For those who don’t plan on participating, there are many other ways you can help the cause out. Monetary donations are very much welcomed, as well as donations of door prizes for the race. Also, it’s never to late to promote the race. Tell your family and friends, spread the word and have fun while helping fundraise. Finally, another way you can help out is by helping distribute race packets. For our racers, these packets will be handed out today, April 21, in the high school lobby from 3:15 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and also on the day of ther race at Pfieffer Park from 7:30 a.m. to 7:50 a.m.
We at the Tiger Hi-Line urge our readers to engage the event in some way. Get your stretches in Tigers! Hope to see you there.
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