Our View: Get Involved at CFHS

Any age, grade, and person has an opportunity to branch out and get involved at Cedar Falls High School. There are so many groups to choose from,  it can get overwhelming. Here are some ways to get involved and find your place. 

Art Club

Art club meets every week on Tuesdays during power hour. Expand your horizons in art and have fun while doing so. No previous expierence necissary! Open stuido for one on one help or to create whatever you want! You can email art teachers Lisa Klenske or Emily Olson for details.

Rocket Club

Rocket club is going into its fourth year and is looking for people who show interest in engineering and rocketry. The past two years the club has landed a spot in the national competition in Washington, D.C., and you can be a part of that team. You can email  adviser Zeb Nicholson  at or attend their meetings during B shift power hour on Tuesdays.


Auditions for the play may be over, but there is still ways that you can get involved in the production. The cast is always looking for people to help with set and design. You can email director Michelle  Rathe for details. Speech team will also take part later this fall.

Volunteer Club

Make an impact in and out of the school. The volunteer club is here to help make a positive impact on the community and give back. You can get involved by talking to your counsler.

Social Issues Club

Don’t hide behind a screen, get out and talk about issues going on in our community and world in a safe and accepting enviornemt. Meeting times have not yet been scheduled, but you can email Elise Leasure or Taylor Sullivan for details.

Gay Straight Alliance (GSA)

The mission of the GSA is to promote tolerance and the acceptance of diversity in the school. Come express yourself in an open-minded safe enviornment . Email Melissa Bredden for details.

Student Senate

Have a voice in our school. Come to meetings every Wednesday morning (Thursday in September) at 7:25 for talks about homecoming, food drive, and dance marathon. This is a great place to have a voice and make an impact in the school and community.

Tiger Pals 

Tiger pals is a preogram for Juniors and Seniors who donate their release time to metor an elementary student at Cedar Heights or work in a classroom at Southdale. Applications are avalibe in the office.


Almost any language course has a club where you meet for power hour and practice speaking to your friends and celebrate different cultures. Talk to your foreign language teacher about the club to learn more.

Anime Club 

Anime club is open to anyone intrestted in anime. Activites related to anime are planned. You can contact Mrs. Anhalt for details if you are interested.

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