Once again, the Cedar Falls Community School District competed in the Northeast Iowa Food Bank student food drive with many other schools, even those within the same district. However, this event was more than just a contest — even though Cedar Falls High School totaled more than half of the collected meals in the district with 51,000 meals out of over 91,000 meals.
Many students and staff in our school dedicated time and effort to contribute to this cause. However, it was not just Cedar Falls High School students and staff that joined in the fight. In a sense, we were all on the same team. Students and staff from other schools in and outside our district fought hunger alongside us. Together, we were able to provide many families with food that they may have gone without if it was not for the hard work of many students, teachers and administrators.
This holiday season, many go without the amenities we take for granted, including food. Together, Cedar Falls has helped to bridge this hunger gap as Thanksgiving and the holidays approach.
Thank you to all students and staff for participating in this event to the full extent that we were able to, by bringing money and cans, and rallying others to give as well.
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