Remembering people who left a positive influence on the lives around them is an important action that is easy and rewarding.
Jake Wilson, a CFHS classmate, went missing back in April, leaving many questions and many students missing their classmate and friend. Over the months, vigils, prayers and search parties have been put in place in efforts to locate Jake. Now, with Jake found and no longer missing, a memorial is in place to honor his memory.
Choir teacher Eliott Kranz had Jake as a student in class last year and plans to dedicate a song at Jake’s memorial in his honor.
“I’ll Be On My Way,” written by CFHS alum Shawn Kirchner for his own mother’s funeral, holds special meaning and helps honor Jake by providing students the ability to remember Jake as they wish him well in heaven, or in whichever version of heaven one believes in.
Jake, a talented, kind-hearted young man full of potential, left an impact when he left Cedar Falls High School, and while he is not walking the halls, he walks on in our hearts, and singing in our souls, as the choir hopes to do for him at his memorial.
Remembrance is a way for students to recognize the value held by someone important and bestows that value in his memory as he continues to live on in the hearts and lives of his loved ones.
Sunday, Oct. 7 in Laporte City at 2 p.m., the choir will sing and honor Jake as they lift him up in memory, showcasing the impact that important souls will always lead the way, as long as we are there to remember them.
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