Murder mystery offers unseen plot twist

Book “Little Monsters” ends with plot twist leaving reader with chills.

“Little Monsters” is a book written by author Kara Thomas (28), published earlier in the summer of 2017. This book is rightly listed in the thriller, mystery and suspense category, as it will leave you at the edge of your seat, eyes wide as you turn to each new page.

The story starts out introducing the main character, Kacey, and her strange love-hate relationship with her two best friends, Bailey and Jade. Something about the way Kacey talks about their relationship makes the reader slightly wary of the two friends from the very beginning as this line clearly shows:

“Sneak out. I don’t have a choice: if I say no, they’ll make sure I’m fully aware of how much fun they had without me.”

The mysterious call of a legend, the Red Woman, brings the friends out into the night and out to the barn where the ghost of the woman can supposedly be seen. Though the three are accompanied by Kacey’s sweet, younger half-sister, they tread on into the night. A few scares and seemingly tricks of the mind later, they play off the night as a strange night that they best not bring up again.

But not too long after, when Bailey goes missing the night of a huge party that Kacey happened to miss, the reader quickly comes to know of Kacey’s strange past and how she came to be not only the new girl in the small town of Broken Falls but also absorbed into a friend group of two rather unusual girls. 

Kacey and Jade struggle with the disappearance of their friend, even more so when the community of Broken Falls starts to question them as well. Kacey will quickly learn that appearances can be deceiving, and perhaps, being the new girl, it would have been better not to trust anyone.

With 322 pages, “Little Monsters” is sure to run chills down readers’ spines, leaving them questioning everything until the very last page.

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