Senior Jackie Gonzalez always played around with photography. It wasn’t until two years ago until she realized she wanted to pursue a career in photography. Now Gonzalez plans to open her own photography business.
1. How did you get into photography? “I kind of just always played around with it. I decided to actually do it when I was still living in Texas. I took classes and I was in yearbook and everything. And I was like okay, this is what I am going to do now.”
2. Are you taking any photography classes at the high school? “I took Creative Digital Photography l and ll.”
3. What is your favorite thing to photograph? “I would have to say sports. I like how it gets very hands on. I feel like those are really good shots to get.”
4. What is your inspiration for taking photos? “I wouldn’t say I have a person who inspires me, I would say it’s more of just getting a story from a photo. When other people try to interpret a certain story I like to hear different perspectives of what’s going on.”
5. What’s your biggest accomplishment regarding photography? “We had this gallery in Texas. One of my photos got put in there for film. For digital I got a whole page in our yearbook for one of my photos for soccer.”
6. Where are you going for college? “After two years at Hawkeye I am transferring to UNI for business.”
7. Do you want do anything in the future with photography? “I am going to major in business and open up my own photography business. I am actually working with UNI right now. They have a business program that helps young entrepreneurs.”
8. What kind of business do you want to open? “It’s just going to be me advertising to take photos. I am just going to wait a little to open it up.”
9. Do you do any photo jobs now? “Yes, I take photos of my peers. I don’t really charge them too much though. I make a deal with them and I say “hey, I can take these photos for you if I can put them in my portfolio.’”
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