Art is one of many passions that students may have and the art department at the high school is an opportunity not to miss. Lisa...
At least 15 minutes before the action, scoping out creative areas, senior Myah Brinker makes sure that her subjects’ personalities are shown through every photo,...
A snowy background, towering trees and a pointe dancer are centered in Marissa Johnson’s viewfinder on her Nikon D-8 digital camera. The junior won Hawkeye...
As Junior Audrey Ehler lines up her subject through the lens of her camera, her finger pushes down the button, freezing the moment for eternity....
Sophomore Marissa Johnson has always had a love for taking pictures and said she’s got a ridiculous amount saved on her phone. Her passion...
Senior Jackie Gonzalez always played around with photography. It wasn’t until two years ago until she realized she wanted to pursue a career in photography....
Junior Lexie Williams has been using a camera to capture breathtaking moments for as long as she can remember. Williams started to develop her photography...
Senior Delaney Tate pushes a strand of auburn hair behind her ear and puts her eye up to her Canon 6D digital camera, twisting the...
Some people see the world through their eyes. Delaney Tate sees the world through her camera lense. While many may not realize it, the junior...
How long have you been working on your artistic abilities? “I’ve been working on my artistic abilities since I could hold a marker or a...