These staff and students made their picks for Superbowl Sunday, and they were all siding with the Kansas City Chiefs to win it; however, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers took the title, 31-9. Here’s how these staff and students thought it would go:
“KC Chiefs. They’re explosive. I like the way Mahomes works with his team. The teamwork is great.” —junior John Swailes | |
“I like The Chiefs.” —PE teacher Jay Teply | |
.”I’m a fan of the Kansas City Chiefs. When I played football at NWM State University, our team would stop in Kansas City on our way back. We always would eat at ‘The Golden Fork’ for breakfast, and the KC players also stopped at the restaurant. We got to know and enjoyed KC Chief players. We had a lot of fun at the restaurant with them.” —Coach Jones, former CFHS teacher and coach, a substitute teacher and drivers education instructor for Street Smarts | |
“They have the number one tight end even and, of course, they have Patrick Mahomes, but I believe it will be a close game.” —junior Kanye Willis |
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