Chess returning in popularity

Chess has become very popular amongst CF students over the past couple of months. If you were to walk into a random classroom, odds are you would find a student playing chess on their Chromebook or phone. 

Senior Aiden Kenaga started playing chess about two months ago. “I started playing chess because I was bored and one of my friends had already been playing it,” he said. Kenaga said there are lots of aspects why chess intrigues him. “I like the mental game of chess and always thinking ahead is a good skill.”

Senior Breck Rea has also started playing again after initially learning to play in seventh grade after hoping to be able to beat his older brother. He said, “I like that there is an element of strategy and tactics to it.” 

Regarding its recent appearance everywhere, Rea said, “I honestly don’t think it’s ever not been popular. It’s just been constant for a long time, and because it became digital, it made it easier for all generations to play.”

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