During Thanksgiving, most people eat turkey. Some people eat chicken, ham, duck or goose. Sometimes, if things don’t work out so great, people might order or buy pre-cooked food instead. Some people don’t even celebrate Thanksgiving due to their religion or because they don’t have anyone to celebrate with, so there’s no point in cooking for the ghost of a crowd.
Victor Ochoa, a Spanish teacher at Peet Junior High, said, “While living in Mexico, my mom would prepare the whole meal (turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, stuffing, jello salad) and have my dad’s family (from Mexico City) over my grandpa, aunts, uncles, cousins—about 20–25 people. We did this almost every year. After the meal we would get to ride motorcycles (we lived out in the country) that my uncle would bring (three of them) and hang out with my cousins. We then would end the day playing Monopoly until past midnight.”
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