Animals can have a positive effect on one’s mentality. Animals are not judgmental or condescending, unlike how people can be. Wild and domestic animals like...
During Thanksgiving, most people eat turkey. Some people eat chicken, ham, duck or goose. Sometimes, if things don’t work out so great, people might order...
Everyone knows that teenagers are often moody. Some are depressed, some are angry and others are … weirdly happy at times. However, the focus right...
Every year, some children are taken while they are out trick-or-treating. To stop this, parents and children must learn what signs to look out for...
The Cedar Bend Humane Society is having a parade this Saturday, Oct. 21 on Mainstreet at 10 a.m. with UNI. This shows that CB (Cedar...
There haven’t been many drivers that have gone past the bus when the lights were flashing. However, on certain streets, there have been multiple drivers...
The tornado drills that take place in school are to allow students an insight into what would happen if there was a tornado warning during...
Many students in the Cedar Falls district are struggling with depression and/or anxiety. This can become more of a problem if it isn’t addressed quickly...
The trash around campus has increased by a concerning amount, including little pieces of plastic, chip bags, wrappers, bottles, cans, etc. Bill Boevers, the principal...