Industrial tech classes deliver practical, cutting edge skills

Industrial technology is a course at the high school that people should take. It develops critical skills which could be handy later on in life, and it also is engaging and fun to work with.

Curtis Balvanz, an industrial technology teacher, said, “I worked in the cabinet manufacturing field for 17 years before I became a teacher. I had always loved working with people and woodworking. Industrial tech classes were always my favorite classes while I was in high school, so when I decided to go back to college (I failed out after my first year after I graduated high school because I didn’t know what I wanted to do and didn’t go to class) that becoming an Industrial Tech teacher would probably be the perfect fit for me.”

Balvanz also elaborated about his passionate areas. “Of course woodworking, but also construction and automotive. These classes allow me the chance to provide students the opportunity to learn about subjects that directly relate to them, or will directly relate to them at some point in the future, because almost everyone drives a vehicle and will probably own a home. These classes will help them learn how to take care of these investments.”

Adam Reilly, another industrial technology teacher, said he “aim[s] to make my industrial technology classes interesting by providing an active learning environment, where students get to have opportunities to perform real-world experiences.  Many of these experiences require students to utilize skills that they learn in their courses, from doing algebra, completing research and writing invoices for different tasks, as well as utilizing technical skills learned in ind tech classes.”

Reilly said to inspire students, “I try to introduce students to the wide variety of careers within the industrial technology field of study.  While doing this, I inform my students that many of these careers will require additional education post-high school, which can range from on-the-job training, apprenticeship, community college, a four-year degree and even possible PhDs.  Additionally,  many employers are willing to pay for, or a part of, their education because there is such a need in many skill and technical fields.”

Industrial Technology is a course that will develop skills, and is good for learning about a new subject.

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