Social media addiction has been on the rise in recent years, and teenagers have also reported more cyberbullying and mental health problems. This has been an issue for many years, but recently some states are enacting a ban on cell phone use during schools, and social media sites like Tiktok are now in the process of a ban.
Jay Teply, a health teacher, gave some advice on how limiting screen time improves mental health. “Excessive screen time can keep you from doing activities that would be beneficial for your overall health like:
Teply, also said too much screen can lead to “eye strain (staring at screens too long can cause discomfort and blurred vision), poor posture (hunching over devices can lead to neck and back pain), weight gain (sitting for long periods while using screens reduces physical activity, which can contribute to weight gain and related health issues.)”
Teply also said too much social media can lead to other shortcomings like, “Delaying social skills (excessive use of screens can reduce face-to-face interaction, which is crucial for developing communication skills, affecting attention spans (overusing devices with constant stimulation may make it harder to focus on tasks for long periods), impacting mental health (overexposure to unrealistic content can cause stress and anxiety), reducing physical activity (kids and teens need movement for healthy growth, but too much screen time can lead to a sedentary lifestyle.)”
Social media addiction can be avoided by adopting healthy digital habits and setting boundaries to manage screen time.
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