The Jan. 6 men’s and women’s bowling meet was a special event as the team wore T-shirts that said Eli on them. Eli Flint is...
Christmas lights are something everybody can enjoy over the holiday time, However, the Klug Family takes it one step further than most people. Regarding his...
Recently the men’s cross country team had the annual Iron Stomach challenge in which the competitors had to eat as many calories as possible within...
Holmes freshmen are currently exploring manufacturing skills in a course taught by industrial tech teacher Ryan Weiss. Freshman Tayden Steege said he enjoys the pot...
In engineering, the students have just finished up a puzzle cube project that has five different parts. Individual parts cannot have less than four cubes...
Lord of the Flies was written by William Golding about a group of boys that were on a plane that crashed, leaving them stranded on...
When seventh graders move up from the elementary school are being faced with many new responsibilities including taking their Chromebooks home and the threat of...
Alternatives Pregnancy Center, which provides alternative to abortion, is looking for volunteers. This agency provides support, giving clothes, diapers and other things to new parents. ...