In this fourth installment in a series of articles showing the extraordinary students, two seniors share their plans for engineering. Senior Vincent Sacco has...
In engineering, the students have just finished up a puzzle cube project that has five different parts. Individual parts cannot have less than four cubes...
When CAPS was introduced, at the time senior Kabeer Bhatia had an interest in the engineering strand and was convinced by counselor Erin Gardner to...
Bill Claassen was only 14 years old when he started working for his father, Wayne, at Claassen Engineering all the way back in 1960. Being...
About a week ago, the CAPS Robotics and Engineering strand completed a task to make COVID-19 dividers for all of the elementary schools in the...
The Sabre-HOOF Tigers are the residing FTC (First Tech Challenge) experts, and the team, composed of 11 high school students, faces its first FTC competition...
After weeks of hard work the engineering students have finally finished their year-long projects. Since the beginning of September, eight students have been working to...
Out of 141 students at Cedar Falls High School that are enrolled in engineering classes — introduction to engineering and design, principles of engineering and...
Breakthroughs and great steps for mankind have been speckling the space exploration front for a few years now. With ambitious expeditions comes the need for...
Over 100 students currently enrolled in PLTW (Project Lead The Way) courses observed National Engineer’s Week during the third full week in February with PLTW...