On Saturday, Feb. 13 the school put on a February Fling dance to raise money for Haiti. With a little over 200 students showing up, the dance garnered in about roughly $1,300.
There were posters up all around the school, and it was been on the announcements. One of our peers, senior Nate Buck, was the DJ and did a fantastic job creating and exciting environment. The advertising seemed to pay off, with over $1,000 of the proceeds going to help the victims in Haiti. This dance was a success on both ends; students had an overwhelmingly positive response and a considerable sum was raised.
This dance is another encouraging indication that people, including high schoolers, are generous. With all the other Haiti fundraising events going around the school, the turnout shows that we sincerely want to help Haiti. We’ve bought T-shirts and donated directly. We’ve had a Penny War and yet still managed to raise significant funds at a dance.
It is a great thing that our school pays attention to the horrible tragedy in Haiti with many different fundraising activities. This dance was the pinnacle of Haiti fundraising efforts, creating a fun, spirit-building event to benefit not only the needy recipients in Haiti but also students right here in Cedar Falls. We’d much rather be here than somewhere that made no effort to raise money. We also applaud the school’s decision to allow Buck the opportunity show off his talents and impress us with his ornate setup and innate abilities.
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