Men’s powder puff plans fundraiser for food drive

Lindsey Davis/Staff Writer

This year, many can agree that the Powder Puff football got a little intense.

One can only imagine how Powder Puff volleyball will go over.

To get students and the community more involved with the food drive, Senior Leadership is hosting a men’s volleyball game.

The purpose is to raise money for the food drive and get people excited about helping.

They are hoping to bring in about $500 from the game.

Last year, the same event was held with much success.

Although the game is not as advertised and hyped up as Powder Puff football, it does get a strong turnout and is for a good cause.

Senior Leadership is in charge of advertising, getting boys to sign up and setting up the volleyball nets.

It’s also very important that they get volunteers to ref.

Boys always get excited at the opportunity to show off their athletic abilities, so this game is a perfect way to get them involved.

“Last year we got 3rd place.

It was very fun to participate in.

I won’t be playing because my collarbone is fractured, but I will be there to support the food drive and watch my fellow juniors dominate,” Jackson Nichols said.

Not just the men get excited, but the ladies do as well.

Senior volleyball players Jamie Farley and Gabby Notermann are in charge of the coaching.

“We really just make sure that everybody gets to play and that they know how to play right,” Notermann said.

“I get excited seeing how much the boys get into the game, as well as the people who come out to watch and have a good time supporting a good cause,” Farley said.

The game will be held this Thursday, Oct. 21 at 7 p.m.

They will also be taking can donations, all of which will go towards the food drive.

“We hope to have as many kids as possible involved.

We had such a great turn out and good time last year that we are hoping to repeat that experience,” Senior Leadership adviser Diane Flaherty said.

She said the Powder Puff volleyball game is a fun way to get active and help Cedar Falls reach the goal 30,000 pounds of food.

Class of 2014

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