With a minimum of ingredients and the option of making a traditional or vegan version, Italian wedding cookies offer something for everyone.
As the holiday season is approaching, everyone is looking for the perfect recipes for their holiday dinners and parties. With so much cooking and baking on the horizon, it helps to find recipes that aren’t complicated and don’t take a lot of time.
1 cup dairy-free margerine, softened
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups flour
extra powdered sugar for rolling
Cream together margerine and powdered sugar. Mix in salt, vanilla and flour. Roll dough into 1-inch balls and place on cookie sheet. Bake 10-12 minutes. After taking lightly browned cookies from oven, roll them while still warm in remaining powdered sugar.
The Italian Wedding Cookie fits both of these requirements. The recipe I used had five ingredients and took about 30 minutes to prep and bake. Coconut oil, powdered sugar, salt, vanilla and flour were the ingredients I used, but this recipe can be made substituting butter for the coconut oil. Many recipes use ground nuts like almonds, pecans or pine nuts, but I was looking for a smoother texture to the cookies I was baking.
When adding the final ingredients, it was difficult for the electric mixer to continue mixing the thick dough. I finished combining the ingredients using my hands to knead the dough. The cookie dough is formed into balls and baked at 400 degrees on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet.
It was easy to roll the dough into one inch balls; however, about half of my cookies expanded, so they were no longer in their signature circular form. Since I followed the same process for rolling all of the cookie dough, it is a bit puzzling that a good portion of them turned out differently. The cookie is rolled in powdered sugar after is has cooled a little bit.
The final cookie tastes like a thick sugar cookie dipped in powdered sugar. It is flaky and dense, so eating one or two of these really fills you up. This cookie would be a great addition to any holiday gathering as they are inexpensive, easy and delicious.
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