For seasoned writers across the globe, November isn’t just a time to be looking forward to Thanksgiving. November is also a month to look forward to accomplishing novel-writing goals, through National Novel-Writing Month.
What is NaNoWriMo (National Novel-Writing Month)? It is not only a celebration of writing novels but also a worldwide event happening all throughout the month of November, similar to National Poetry Month in April. In Cedar Falls and Waterloo, the Writers Of The Cedar Valley, an organization that hosts writing events at the Cedar Falls Public Library, will be hosting the official NaNoWriMo meetings virtually every week in November.
Writers are tasked with completing 50,000 words, or the average length of a standard novel, in a month. Luckily, if writers get stuck or don’t know where to start, there’s the official NaNoWriMo website (linked here) to stay organized, learn writer mental health skills and learn how to balance writing with personal and work aspects of life. For more information about the NaNoWriMo formal events and schedule, head to the Cedar Falls Public Library website or follow the link listed here for the Discord server for the Cedar Falls and Waterloo location NaNoWriMo program (linked here).
Writers Of The Cedar Valley will be hosting story-share periods every Wednesday virtually (a Zoom link will be shared through the Discord server linked above), as well as Saturday meet-ups virtually.
The first official meeting of the Writers Of The Cedar Valley’s NaNoWriMo program was Nov. 1, but it is not too late to participate. Make sure, if interested, to investigate the links above and chat with the Writers Of The Cedar Valley via email for more information (email is linked here:
Remember, writing a novel is a process, not one leap. NaNoWriMo is an excellent opportunity to explore novel-writing as a writing and creative avenue for possible careers. So if interested, please participate.
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