Senior sets goals, balances many involvements daily

Logan Huffman is a bodybuilder and has been lifting weights from a very young age, and he follows a very strict schedule. 

“It’s almost like a video game. I wake up and do the sidequest. After the sidequest I start my journey. In all seriousness, I wake up around 6:30 a.m. and get ready for school, leave for school at 7:10 a.m. to get good parking. I arrive to school around 7:20 a.m., have school (which is 7:55 a.m.-2:04 p.m.) I have a 7th hour release every day, so that helps. I go home and take a nap for 30 minutes then have to be at work at 3:30 p.m. (He works at Cedar Stone). I get done from work at 7:30 p.m. every day, go home for 10 minutes to get ready for the gym, get to the gym at 7:40-8ish, From there I’m at the gym probably an hour and a half to two hours. From there I get home at 10 p.m. Once I get home I make chicken and rice and my post workout drink, hop in the shower around 10:20ish. I take a shower for about 10 minutes. By now it’s 10:30, so I get ready for bed, try to go to bed 11-12. Depending on the day, I’ll hop on Xbox with friends and could stay up till 2 a.m.” 

Huffman’s day is already taken up by his priorities yet somehow, he still manages to make time for his friends and his relationship. Even though it seems that Huffman’s a machine and can do it all, he is human. He has his off days and gets tired like everyone else.

“I do think my daily routine is too much. It’s very draining. Work isn’t so bad, though. I work the dinner shift, so you have to shut down everything for the night and clean everything. It can be stressful, but the people that I work with are chill, so that’s helpful.” 

After the gym, Huffman finally has some relief from the hustle.

“I feel relief because the day is over, but I realize I have to do the same thing tomorrow, so then I go to bed. The only thing about my routine that I don’t like is school or if I’m not feeling it at the gym. I have a 14-hour day of constantly moving, so there’s days where I can’t give it my all at the gym because I’m too tired. When it comes to school I feel that the school day is too long, and it’d be different if I wasn’t working a job and having to support myself. My parents don’t give me money or anything, so everything I buy or do is all from me, and right now I’m saving for a car. Another thing people don’t realize is that not everyone has a rich family. We’re not poor or anything, but for the people who say I work too much, I have to, especially if I want to buy a ca. Not everyone’s parents can buy them a car.” 

Now with homework, Huffman said, “I feel like teachers should realize that not every student is going to do three hours of homework right after school or after my 14-hour day. I’m not going to stay up till 1 a.m. just to do homework.”

Huffman is a very busy person and a very positive one as well. He said that’s one of the most important things to always keep your head up and to keep on keepin’ on.

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