The BSU ( Black Student Union), advised by media specialist Abby Hendrickson and English teacher Brenna Griffin is a club for black students and their allies.
The leaders of this club are Addy Smith, Eonna Barnes, Saniah Bell, Addy Breddin and Khila Epps. They meet every other Wednesday in Spanish teacher Hernan Llerena Gomez’s room, room 141.
They have done many things in years past, and they’re still set on doing more stuff this year. This year they participated in the trunk or treat.
“We’ve got to take a group to the capital to lobby,” Hendrickson said, “the changing laws in education that do affect our black students. It was important for them to see how you can lobby for change or to get your voice heard.”
All are welcome at meetings, either a large group or other smaller meetings.
Meeting times are posted at @BSU.CFHS Instagram.
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